
What Does Embodiment Actually Mean?
Being embodied is recognising the body as more than a container for the mind, but as a living, evolving, intelligent ally through which we c

6 Surprising Benefits of Breathwork You Didn't Know About
Here are 6 mind-blowing benefits of breathwork that you can tap into when you breathe properly and with intention.

The Real Reason Why Your Hands Curl Up in Breathwork
I’m lying in a fort of yoga bolsters and cushions on the tile floor, air conditioning buzzes somewhere in the corner and my eye pillow is...

What is Breathwork & Why Has Everyone Gone Crazy for It?
Breathwork is a modern term for the ancient practices of breathing consciously using a number of specific techniques based on yogic breathin

How to Meditate in 2021: the Complete Guide for Beginners Who Don’t Know Where to Start
How to Meditate, the complete guide for beginners meditatirs who don’t know where to start

LGBTQ: Why I'm Out & Proud
Love took me completely by surprise. I wasn’t looking for it, but it seems the universe knew I was ready for it because it burst into my...

Stop the Positivity Performance: What To Do When Positive Thinking Doesn’t Work
“The work of the eyes is done. Go now and do the heart-work on the images imprisoned within you.” Rainer Maria Rilke We’re taught to fear...