'Listen to your body' you're told over and over again...
About Me
And at this point, you KNOW you need to listen to your body. So.... why aren't you...?
Because what is never made clear is how to actually do it.
There are lots of factors that come into effectively listening to your body and being able to act on the messages you receive once you are able to translate the language of sensation.
Things like safety, self-soothing, centering and grounding, and emotional intelligence all contribute to you being able to develop the ability to listen to, understand, and respond to what your body is saying.
And when you're able to respond, life becomes more flowy, you feel less stuck, conversations with people in your life become easier, you feel healthier, and gain more energy for actually living.
You'll learn how to do all of this and embody it so it becomes second nature inside The Body Portal.
I created this course because I see so many people who:
✔︎ Don’t know how how to listen to their bodies
✔︎ Lack basic self-care abilities that come from being able to listen to their bodies
✔︎ Don’t know how to tune into their bodies as a source of divine, ancient wisdom
✔︎ Jump ahead and do alllll of the ecstatic, activating, high experiences without having a safe and trusting grounding in their bodies to keep them anchored.
So they either disconnect from their bodies even further, or they find it impossible to surrender to these experiences and get anything from them because there’s no personal trust or safety.
It's time to get more intimate with our bodies so we can get more intimate with life....
The Body Portal
You're about to unlock the fundamental foundations that are so often skipped in embodiment work.
You'll learn simple somatic practices you can use every day, any day, to support you through stress, anxiety, overwhelm, big emotions, and pain so that you finally feel trusting of and safe in your body.
Step into this 5-week, 5-masterclass mini-course to discover how to:
work with your nervous system to increase your capacity for living LIFE!
become more consciously sensitive in a way that doesn't overwhelm you.
recognise and process your emotions in a safe and accessible way.
centre yourself. So while the world is going bonkers around you, you're anchored in your clarity.
actually listen to and respond to your body.
think a little less because you're feeling a little more.
not have to strive to stay 'safe' and 'regulated' all the time.
This isn't, 'do shaking to get rid of stress'/'give yourself a hug to feel safe' (although these types of practices are certainly useful). No, this is a return to deep listening, cultivating emotional intelligence, mastering your triggers, connecting with yourself and the people you love, and finally feeling like you and your body are a co-creative team rather than at war with one another.
What You'll Unlock...
The Body Portal is an immersive, experiential mini-course designed to break down the WHY behind fundamental somatic techniques and practices and how to use them while guiding you towards actually implementing them into your daily life.
Week 1: Centering
Your body IS you. It is the living story of who you are and how you have been up until this point in time. When we remember how to get present with, aware of, and centered in our bodies, we open up to this truth, and can begin to work with our soma as a way into our SELVES - the story of who we are. This is the intention for this week.
Week 2: Inner Listening
This week, you get acquainted with your sixth sense. Your ability to listen deeply to your body, deepen your intuition and develop your felt sense of self.
Week 3: Emotions
This is where you develop true emotional intelligence and become the architect of your own reality, rather than a victim to how you feel in any given moment.
Week 4: Nervous System Regulation
Discover how to work with your nervous system to regulate, self soothe, and find safety without having to micro-manage your external world.
Week 5: State
This is where it gets magical and FUN! Learn how to shift your inner state at any time to align with the way you want to feel and the life you want to live.
Join The Body Portal now and get instant access to the full course so you can start reconnecting with your body right away.

"People are not going to get better until they start having bodies that actually notice things. In order to be in charge of ourselves, we need to shut up, be still, and notice what goes on inside, and to notice the flow of our internal states." - Bessel Van Der Kolk

I'm Rachel
Reiki level 1 & 2
Mindfulness meditation teacher
Yoga teacher 200h
Pranayama teacher 100h
Breathwork teacher 200h
Certified Somatic Coach
Trauma-informed Practitioner
Yoga Psychology
Diploma in tantric practices
I guide people to come down from their mind into their body, so they can feel and experience life, rather than thinking and analysing their way through it.
As a culture, we avoid and protect ourselves from uncomfortable feelings and difficult emotions because we were never taught how to experience them without negative repercussions. Because of this, we have adopted mind-based approaches like therapy, talking, thinking, and meditating to try to feel better.
The problem is that feelings are not experienced in your mind. Life is not experienced in your mind. It’s experienced in your body. The taste of chocolate, the smell of your coffee, the freedom of dancing, hugging your children. It’s all in the body. This is why I work with the body rather than the mind. Somatic practices, including things like breathwork, give us a way into the body to start building tolerance for exploring all emotions, sensation and feeling.
We are designed to feel the full spectrum of human emotion but because we come at life mostly through our mind we decide that some emotions are bad and some emotions are good, there are some we want to feel and some we don’t, and we attach meaning to them. When we do that, we narrow our window of tolerance for experiencing all of life and all of ourselves.
I believe that when we stop pathologising feelings and trying to micro-manage them, and come down into our body we can finally feel them, listen to them, and learn from our body’s innate intelligence.
The Body Portal sets you up with the foundation to accessing and applying that wisdom.
They Entered The Portal, This Is What They Unlocked: