
6 Month Online Group Immersion | Starts 25 Nov 2023
A guided journey into the magical portal of your body through movement, energy work, and breathwork to reclaim the full expansion of who you are.
No more hiding, playing small, and overthinking…. It’s time to expand.
Here’s why you tie yourself up in knots in your mind and keep running into the same issues over and over again…
The real reason you:
Don’t really know who you are
Hide your face on social media
Break every little commitment you make to yourself
Freeze every time you get the opportunity to say that thing you’ve been telling yourself you need to say for like, years
Can’t make a decision if Ryan Gosling’s life depended on it
And have so many tabs open in your mind that you literally feel like you need a lobotomy or your head might actually implode
Lies not in reciting more affirmations, pulling more tarot cards, or doing more mindset work…
No, the way IN to you is through your body.
Because even though you're not your body...
Your body IS you.
It's the living, breathing storehouse of every experience and thought you've had, the beliefs you hold, the energy you emit, and the habits you play out.
And it's programmed with the codes for what you'll think, feel, radiate, and do into the future (unless you change those programmes ;) ☟).
You know you need more self-worth, self-love, and a kinder inner voice. But the reason you don’t have any of that yet is because you’ve been trying to do it all with your mind.
Right now, you can’t get to yourself…
Because of the heavy, clunky, old layers of tension you’re carrying around.
This tension is called ‘armouring’ and you’ve been accumulating these layers of armour to protect yourself since before you could speak.
In those times when you:
Held your breath to stop your tears when you fell over in front of everyone in year 7
Saw your pre-menstrual belly in the mirror for the first time when you were 14, and sucked it in.
Started holding the steering wheel of your car tighter after that time you had a near miss at the traffic lights.
Swallow and hold back what you really want to say when your boss asks at the end of every team meeting if anyone has anything to add.
Say, ‘it’s fine’ when it’s not fine and actually, now you’re seething with frustration that you need to try to hide...
Wake up at 5 am in the winter and suck back a coffee under the blue light on the tube to get to the gym for a HIIT workout before you head to the office for the day.
Go back and forth back and forth on every little decision.
You put on another piece of armour and increase the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual tension that is currently shaping how you view the world, respond to it, move within it, and express yourself.
And it’s so habitual for you now that you barely notice it’s there. Until you bump up against those blocks and feel anxious, stuck, scared, and overwhelmed.
And it’s why you’ve hit a wall with mindset work, rituals, and journaling. You can’t mindset or your way out of those blocks because they’re in your body.
The solution is to dissolve that tension?
Getting into your body and moving how YOU were designed to move.

Enter, The Expansion...​
Your sense of self is, before anything else, experienced not through language or the mind, but through the sensations and movements of your body.
If you’re willing to join me on this magical journey, put on your explorer hat, take a deep breath, and dive into the unchartered territory of your inner world, you will dismantle your armour, discover answers within you to questions you’ve been driving yourself nuts trying to answer with your mind, and get comfortable with how it feels in your body when you’re fully in touch with the true you who lives within it.
This isn't a dance class, a fitness class, yoga, or a catalogue of ‘nervous system tools’...
This is a unique and rare opportunity to move purely to experience the joy of being alive in a human body without choreography, postures, or poses to get 'right' or 'wrong'.
I created The Expansion for so many reasons:
I was tired of seeing so much rigidity and dogma in the embodiment spaces: move your body, but only like this, and only if you wear this, and look like this.
Or else people are promoting embodiment and listening to your body but from an intellectual perspective. People know the WHY, but there is no how. No guiding into the actual direct, lived experience of what it means to be in your body and in feeling. We’re not suffering because of a lack of knowledge, we have ALL THE KNOWLEDGE we could ever need at our fingertips, and we’re all more anxious, self-deprecating, and lost than ever.
And I see so much disembodied spirituality—people giving away their power and doing practices that are disconnecting and encouraging them OUT of their bodies — which isn’t doing anything for the layers of tension you’re carrying, and it’s also just unsafe.

I've deepened my self-love and self-trust, and learned how to create safety for myself in any situation I'm in.
- Sarah Taylor, Queer Coach
Ready to find out what’s under your armour…?
We’ll work with intention, breathwork, movement, energy, your physical, mental, and emotional realms, sound, stillness, and space to gently push your edges and get you just uncomfortable enough to shake up your conditioning and loosen your armour.
Then you’ll have a clear path to reconnect with, reawaken, and harmonise all parts of you so you finally feel like YOU.
The Expansion will lovingly push on your edges, take you to the depths, and invite you to lean into discomfort so that you emerge at the end of the 6 months feeling reborn and like you’re actually IN your body.
The Expansion is the journey for you if:​
You feel awkward in your body​
You're not quiiiite sure who you are
You struggle to 'listen to your body'
You’re a big thinker, catastophiser, and/or worrier, and you find it hard to make decisions
There are things you want to DO in life, and you just can’t get yourself to take the actions you know you need to take
Honestly, you're sick of being told how to move and how to look, and not knowing how to feel…
You love the idea of exploring your body, energy and psyche in a fluid, feminine, patriarchy-free way that can't be 'right' or 'wrong'
You have tension, tightness, and stress to shed and release from your body
You don't just want to KNOW a lot of stuff about spirituality and your body, you want to apply and EMBODY it so you're living in alignment with what you know
You want to find a way to move your body that feels right for YOU
You'd love a new way to express yourself
You're ready (if a little nervous!) to take up space and stop playing small
You’re willing to feel temporary discomfort if it means finally
Thanks to Rachel & The Expansion I could get in touch with parts of me that were hidden or that I didn't dare to see & feel.
- Emma Costa Argemi

What You'll Receive over the
6 month immersion:​
6x 2 hour immersions online at 6PM GMT
(1 session per month). This is ritual, intentional space. Each session will be comprised of breathwork, energy work, loosely guided intuitive movement, and meditation/integration
Recordings of each session
To journey with again for 7 days after each live session
Group coaching
Audio-based coaching via Telegram for 48 hours after each session. No extra calls or commitments to schedule in! Get your questions answered and go deeper into your embodiment journey after each live session.
Telegram integration group
To receive integration prompts after each session, share your experiences and insights, and learn from the experiences and insights of other Expanders
I feel like I take up space now, and that I belong in all of that space, fully and positively.
- Harriet
hi, I'm Rachel
I’m a trauma-informed somatics and breathwork coach, and meditation and yoga teacher. And it took me a very long time to figure out, understand, and apply the concepts and practices that I’m giving to you in just 6 months inside The Expansion.
Let me teach you how I released decades of built up tension in my own body and went from not being able to look in the mirror, censoring my face (and even my NAME!) on social media, and having such high-functioning anxiety that I wound up with an eating disorder and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome…
To standing in front of hundreds of people to teach, dancing and going live on Instagram with no racing heart or sweaty palms in sight, and honestly, truly, loving myself and my body.
This immersion recognises the inexplicable magic of this life that your mind cannot fathom AND gives your mind just enough of the evidence and reasoning to finally allow it to feel safe enough to let your body feel for a change.
I can't wait to guide you on this journey.

I've learned how to tune into my intuition and use it to make choices that align with my highest self and I've met and released past versions of myself to support my expansion journey into this more empowered, wise and embodied version of me.
- Sarah Taylor, Queer Coach

Here are your payment options
6x 2 hour immersions online
(1 session per month). These will be ritual, intentional space. Each session will be comprised of breathwork, energy work, loosely guided intuitive movement and meditation/integration
Recordings of each session
to journey with again for 7 days after each live session
Group coaching
audio-based coaching via Telegram for 48 hours after each session. Get your questions answered and go deeper into your embodiment journey after each live session without having to schedule in another call!
Telegram integration group
To receive integration prompts after each session, share your experiences and insights, and learn from the experiences and insights of other Expanders
or 3 monthly payments of £147
​​Get everything in the regular package PLUS:
3x 90 minute deep dive 1-1 somatic coaching sessions with Rachel
Accelerate your expansion! Get personal support on your Expansion journey to clear and integrate anything and everything that comes up for you during the group embodiment sessions.
BONUS: session recordings for full length of the programme
No expiry on the session recordings​ for the length of The Expansion = 6 months of unlimited journeying 💥
or 3 monthly payments of £257